Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend

I am off to the airport to catch up with J in Chicago so we can spend the weekend with his parents. That means very little sex but alot of quality time with J, which I will enjoy almost as equally as last weekends events.
In response to some of the comments, my intention in this blog is to tell my whole story, from the beginning, while at the same time, keeping you current. I had about 8 months of my diary from when I was about to turn 15 put on a computer, but I can not find it now. That would have made telling this story alot easier. Now I guess I will have to re-type it all. As current events happen, I will give you some back story, but I am going to try and keep it in order as much as possible. So for those of you waiting for the next multi partner tale, you're gonna have to wait a while...sorry.

Well time to go- Have a Happy Thanksgiving and if anything really 'wild' comes up, you'll be the second to know......bye